111 research outputs found

    A generalized systemotechnical evaluation and determination of the priorities in building design decisions

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    The paper discusses the problem of determination of efficiency indices used in comparative evaluation of building design dicesions. The methodology, an algorithm and a computing programme for determining basic technical and economical indices and qualitative characteristics have been worked out. A method for determining the most preferable variant of design decisions based on the criterion of utility has been suggested in the article. The result of the systemotechnical evaluation is a line of application priorities. Apibendrintas projektinių sprendimų statyboje sistemotechninis įvertinimas ir naudojimo priorttetų nustatymas Santrauka Nagrinėjama palyginimo bazės problema, iškylanti atliekant projektinių sprendimų variantų sistemotechninį įvertinimą. Pasiūlyta nauja metodika, algoritmas ir programa, leidžiantys bazinio projektinio sprendimo varianto parinkime dalyvauti ir užsakovui, kuris turi galimybę kompiuterio pagalba dialogo režime išreikšti savo preferencijas, pasirenkant projektinį sprendimą. Pasiūlytas apibendrintas projekto naudingumo kriterijus, kuris skaičiuojamas pagai nuotolius nuo vadinamojo idealaus projektinio varianto, sudaryto iš visų vertinamų variantų geriausių efektyvumo rodiklių. Sistemotechninio įvertinirno rezultatas—variantų naudojimo prioritetų eilutė. First Published Online: 26 Jul 201

    Multi-purpose selectonovation of alternative variants of technological decisions in building

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    The main methodological principles of multi-purpose selectonovation are discussed in the paper. These principles are applied to the development of methods for multi-purpose evaluation of alternative technological desicions in building. A common algorithm and two evaluation criteria are suggested: the relative concession criterion and the criterion of proximity to an ideal point. The values of criteria having been estimated, the rows of alternative variant priorities for the definite years of future period are arranged. Technologinių sprendimų statyboje prognozuojamų variantų daugiatikslė selektonovacija Santrauka Nagrinėjami pagrindiniai daugiatikslės selektonovacijos metodologiniai principai. Šie principai pritaikomi kuriant prognozuojamų technologinių sprendimų statyboje daugiatikslio įvertinimo metodiką. Pasiūlytas bendras algoritmas ir du variantų vertinimo kriterijai—santykinės nuolaidos ir artumo idealiam taškui. Turint paskaičiuotas kriterijų reikšmes rikiuojamos prognozuojamų variantių prioritetų eilutės atskiriems prognozuojamo periodo metams. First Published Online: 26 Jul 201

    The ordinal dominance theory as applied to the most attractive retail cities of the Benelux area

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    An important estate broker for retail in Europe has performed statistical research on retail business in cities in the Benelux area (Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg). The broker choose five characteristics to rate 30 Benelux cities on their retail business. However, summing these ranks is not allowed as they do not represent cardinal numbers. Hence, calculating the medians and quartiles of this ordinal number series signifies a possible alternative. The disadvantages of this approach are: many ex aequos and to be operational at least six terms are needed, whereas only five characteristics are present here. Instead, an Ordinal Dominance Theory was developed that only needs at least three terms. Finally, a SWOTanalysis was made concerning retail business for the main Belgian cities, Brussels, Antwerp and Ghen

    The conceptual model of construction and real estate negotiation

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    Negotiations are common in many activities; the sectors of construction and real estate are not an exception: here the negotiations are an inseparable part of the real estate buying and selling process. The article analyses scientific research related to negotiations and presents the developed model for multiple criteria analysis of construction and real estate negotiations. The analysis of the negotiation processes in construction and real estate and the analysis of the relevant support for decision‐making in negotiations must be thorough; it must consider not only economic but also political, legal, socio‐cultural, psychological, consumer behaviour, technological, quality of life and other issues. The developed model enables to analyse the combination of the real estate negotiation process, the improvement of its efficiency through use of decision support and voice stress analysis technology and the participating stakeholder groups seeking their goals together with the influencing external macro and micro environment. The paper dwells on the components of this model. Santruka Derybos nuolatos vyksta daugelyje veiklos sričiu, neaplenkdamos ir statybos bei NT sektoriu, kur jos yra neatsiejama nekilnojamojo turto pirkimo ir pardavimo proceso dalis. Straipsnyje analizuojami mokslininku tyrimai derybu srityje ir pristatomas sukurtas statybos ir NT derybu daugiakriterines analizes modelis. Nagrinejant statybos ir NT derybu procesa bei taikoma parama derybu sprendimams priimti, būtina tai nagrineti išsamiai, kreipiant demesi ne tik i ekonominius, bet ir i politinius, teisinius, socialinius, kultūrinius, psichologinius, vartotoju elgsenos, technologinius, gyvenimo kokybes ir pan. klausimus. Sukurtas modelis leidžia analizuoti NT derybu procesa, jo efektyvumo didinima, taikant sprendimu paramos ir balso analizes technologijas, joje dalyvaujančias ir savo tikslus norinčias igyvendinti suinteresuotas grupes bei jas veikiančia išorine makro‐ ir mikroaplinka kaip visuma. Straipsnyje aptartos sukurta modeli sudarančios sudetines dalys. First Publish Online: 18 Oct 201

    Robustness of the multi‐objective MOORA method with a test for the facilities sector

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    The definition of robustness in econometrics, the error term in a linear equation, was not only broadened, but in addition moved to the meaning of common language: from a cardinal to a qualitative one. These interpretations were tested by an application on the Facilities Sector in Lithuania. The application is multi‐objective: like costs, experience and effectiveness at the side of the contractors; quality, duration of the work and cost price at the side of the owners. These objectives having all different units the dimensionless ratios of the MOORA method avoids the difficulties of normalization. In a first part of MOORA these ratios were aggregated and in a second one they were used as distances to a reference point. The results of both parts control each other, a test on robustness. Additionally, MOORA shows a robust domination on all other methods of multi‐objective optimization. For the Facilities Sector in Lithuania, both parts of MOORA resulted in a comparable ranking. In this way a double check was made on the robustness of the results. Santrauka Patikimumo apibrėžimas ekonometrikoje, kaip neteisingas terminas tiesinėje lygtyje, buvo ne tik papildytas, bet ir išreikštas įprasta kalba: nuo kiekybinio prie kokybinio. Šios interpretacijos buvo patikrintos taikant jas Lietuvos paslaugų sektoriuje. Taikymas yra daugiatikslis: iš rangovo pusės kaip išlaidos, patirtis, efektyvumas; kokybė, darbo trukmė, kaina iš užsakovo pusės. Minėtieji tikslai turi skirtingus matavimo vienetus. O jų santykiniai dydžiai neturi mato vienetų, todėl taikant MOORA metodą yra išvengiama sunkumų juos normalizuojant. Pirmoje MOORA metodo taikymo dalyje šie santykiai yra sujungiami, o antroje dalyje ieškoma atstumo iki geriausio sprendinio. Abiejų metodo dalių rezultatai pagrindžia sprendinio teisingumą. Tai rodo aiškų MOORA metodo pranašumą, palyginti su kitais daugiatikslio optimizavimo metodais. Taikant abi MOORA metodo dalis Lietuvos paslaugų sektoriui buvo sudarytas lyginamasis rangavimas, buvo atliktas dvigubas rezultatų patikimumo patikrinimas. First published online: 21 Oct 2010 Reikšminiai žodžiai: MOORA, patikimumas, daugiatiksliai metodai, patobulintas naminalių grupių metodas, Delph

    Technology development in construction: a continuum from distant past into the future

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    This paper deals with the historical and current trends in the development of civil engineering and construction technologies. The authors demonstrate the continuity of creative thought and effort among early master builders and technology developers throughout the history of civilizations that created the most iconic structures remaining in the world heritage of the built environment to the contemporary times. Recent concepts and ongoing efforts in the development of advanced construction technologies based on automation and information sciences, materials science and systems engineering are highlighted in the context of historical ideas and achievements of past architects and construction engineers of the past century

    The concept model of sustainable buildings refurbishment

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    Sustainable development principles reaching many spheres of human activities, public buildings refurbishment is not an exemption in this case. Buildings refurbishment supports excellent opportunities to reduce energy consumption in buildings as well as encourages other sustainable refurbishment principles implementation ‐ citizens’ healthcare, environment protection, rational resources use, information about sustainable refurbishment dissemination and stakeholders groups’ awareness. During the pilot refurbishment FP‐6 project Brita in PuBs, authors of this article have developed conceptual sustainable public buildings refurbishment model. Model was created basing on sustainable development principles, their consideration in decision making process and model efficiency influencing factors. In order to demonstrate models’ application possibilities following the healthcare principle, practical case study of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University main building pollution mapping is given at the end of this article. Santrauka Darnios plėtros principai skverbiasi į daugelį veiklos krypčių, neaplenkdami ir visuomeninių pastatų atnaujinimo proceso. Pastatų atnaujinimas – tai puiki galimybė ne tik sumažinti suvartojamos pastate energijos apimtis, bet ir užtikrinti kitus darnios renovacijos principus – rūpinimąsi gyventojų sveikata, aplinkos tausojimą, racionalų išteklių naudojimą, taip pat ir informacijos apie darnią pastatų renovaciją prieinamumą. Vykdant demonstracinį FP-6 projektą Brita in PuBs, straipsnio autoriai sukūrė koncepcinį darnios visuomeninių pastatų renovacijos modelį, kuriame atsižvelgiama į darnios plėtros principus, jų taikymą priimant sprendimus ir modelio efektyvumą veikiančius veiksnius. Siekiant pademonstruoti modelio realizavimo galimybes, paskutiniame straipsnio skyriuje rūpinimosi sveikata principas iliustruojamas renovuojamo VGTU centrinio pastato užterštumo žemėlapio sudarymu. First published online: 18 Oct 201

    The web–based real estate multiple criteria negotiation decision support system: A new generation of decision support systems

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    The negotiations are an inseparable part of the real estate buying and selling process. Currently real estate are characterized by the intensive creation and use of information, knowledge and automation (software, knowledge and decision support systems, neural networks, etc.) applications. It is commonly agreed that a better integration of information, knowledge and automation applications, as well use of voice stress analysis (one of biometric technologies) might be an efficient mean for decision making in real estate negotiations. Voice stress analysis can help the negotiators to distinguish between truth and lies, improve the value of decisions made, significantly speed up real estate sector processes, help to reach a better real estate sales and purchase agreement terms and decrease the overall cost of real estate search and negotiation processes. The authors’ objective is to improve the quality and efficiency of decision support systems. The article analyses scientific research related to negotiations and presents the developed Web–based Real Estate Multiple Criteria Negotiation Decision Support System with integrated voice stress analysis– a new generation of Decision Support Systems. Santruka Derybos yra neatskiriama nekilnojamojo turto pirkimo ir pardavimo proceso dalis. Dabartiniam nekilnojamojo turto sektoriui būdingas intensyvus informacijos, žiniu ir automatizavimo naudojimas bei kūrimas (programine iranga, žiniu ir sprendimu paramos sistemos, neuroniniai tinklai ir pan.). Sutariama, kad geresnis informacijos, žiniu, automatizavimo, taip pat balso streso analizes (biometrines technologijos) integravimas pagreitina nekilnojamojo turto sektoriaus veikla. Balso streso analize gali padeti derybininkams atskirti, kada sakoma tiesa, o kada meluojama, padidina priimamu sprendimu naudinguma, paspartina nekilnojamojo turto paieškos ir derybu procesus, padeda pasiekti naudingesniu pirkimo ir pardavimo sutarties salygu bei sumažina nekilnojamojo turto paieškos ir derybu proceso kaina. Straipsnio autoriai, siekdami pagerinti sprendimu paramos sistemu kokybe ir efektyvuma, analizuoja mokslininku atliktu derybu srities tyrimu rezultatus ir pristato sukurta nekilnojamojo turto derybu internetine sprendimu paramos sistema su integruota balso streso analizes technologija kaip naujos kartos sprendimu paramos sistema. First Publish Online: 18 Oct 201

    A Bipolar Fuzzy Extension of the MULTIMOORA Method

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    The aim of this paper is to make a proposal for a new extension of the MULTIMOORA method extended to deal with bipolar fuzzy sets. Bipolar fuzzy sets are proposed as an extension of classical fuzzy sets in order to enable solving a particular class of decision-making problems. Unlike other extensions of the fuzzy set of theory, bipolar fuzzy sets introduce a positive membership function, which denotes the satisfaction degree of the element x to the property corresponding to the bipolar-valued fuzzy set, and the negative membership function, which denotes the degree of the satisfaction of the element x to some implicit counter-property corresponding to the bipolar-valued fuzzy set. By using single-valued bipolar fuzzy numbers, the MULTIMOORA method can be more efficient for solving some specific problems whose solving requires assessment and prediction. The suitability of the proposed approach is presented through an example

    Developing textile entrepreneurial inclination model by integrating experts mining and ISM-MICMAC

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    The Indian textile industry is lacking in an entrepreneurial inclination of a skilled young generation; because of this, the industry is facing a challenge to achieve sustainable development and growth. To overcome this problem, the goal of this work is to build an entrepreneurial inclination model in the context of the textile industry. For achieving this goal, a combined approach of an extensive literature review and experts mining has been used to establish the entrepreneurial inclination factors in phased of the study. In the second phase, an Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) with Matrice d'Impacts Croisés Multiplication Appliqués à un Classement (MICMAC) has been applied to build a structural model and to find the driving force factors and dependence power. The results show that effective entrepreneurship courses, institutional policy, training and internship, institutional corporation and the involvement of institutional heads play a very significant role in encouraging youth towards entrepreneurship. The outcomes of the study can help both the government and academic institutes to draw up effective policy and develop an entrepreneurial culture which can help to create more entrepreneurs in the textile field.N